class GeoJSON::Coordinates::Position


A Position represents a position on earth with a longitude, latitude, and optional altitude/elevation (#altivation).

According to the GeoJSON spec, longitude and latitude are to be stored as decimal degrees, and altitude/elevation is to be stored as a height in meters.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class GeoJSON::Coordinates::Coordinates(Float64)

==(other : self) ==, [](*args, **options)
[](*args, **options, &)
, clone clone, coordinates : Array(T) coordinates, hash(hasher) hash, raise_if_invalid raise_if_invalid, to_json(*args, **options)
to_json(*args, **options, &)

Constructor methods inherited from class GeoJSON::Coordinates::Coordinates(Float64)

new(coordinates : Array(T))
new(other : self)
new(coordinates : Array)
new(parser : JSON::PullParser)
new(coordinate_tree : CoordinateTree)

Constructor Detail

def : CoordinateTree) #

Creates a new Position from the given coordinate_tree.

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def : Array(T)) #

Creates new Coordinates backed by the given coordinates.

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def : self) #

Creates a new Coordinates that is a copy of the other Coordinates.

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def : Array) #

Creates a new Coordinates from the given coordinates array.

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def : JSON::PullParser) #

Creates new Coordinates using the given parser.

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def*, longitude lon, latitude lat, altivation alt = nil) #

Creates a new Position with the given longitude, latitude, and altivation.

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Instance Method Detail

def altivation #

Returns the altivation (altitude or elevation) of this Position.

The third coordinate of this Position is assumed to be the altivation.

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def latitude #

Returns the latitude of this Position.

The second coordinate of this Position is assumed to be the latitude.

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def longitude #

Returns the longitude of this Position.

The first coordinate of this Position is assumed to be the longitude.

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