class GeoJSON::MultiPolygon


A MultiPolygon is a Geometry representing several Polygons.

This class corresponds to the GeoJSON MultiPolygon.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module GeoJSON::MultiGeometry(GeoJSON::Polygon, GeoJSON::Coordinates::PolyRings)

[](index : Int) [], coordinates : Array(E) coordinates

Constructor methods inherited from module GeoJSON::MultiGeometry(GeoJSON::Polygon, GeoJSON::Coordinates::PolyRings)

new(coordinates : Array(T))
new(coordinates : Array(E))
new(coordinate_tree : CoordinateTree)

Instance methods inherited from class GeoJSON::Geometry

==(other : self) ==, [](*args, **options)
[](*args, **options, &)
, coordinates coordinates, hash(hasher) hash

Constructor methods inherited from class GeoJSON::Geometry

new(parser : JSON::PullParser) new

Class methods inherited from class GeoJSON::Geometry

from_json(geometry_json) from_json

Instance methods inherited from class GeoJSON::Base

type : String type

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

Instance Method Detail

def type : String #

Gets this MultiPolygon's GeoJSON type ("MultiPolygon")

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